I’m Chloe.

In 2022 I gave birth to my wonderful son and my life changed forever.

A planned free birth ended in a hospital transfer and a one week stay on a NICU ward. I found myself in an environment so far removed from what I had envisaged for my first week postpartum, scared and unable to rest while I worried about my son’s future.

Without the space to focus on healing, nourishing myself and bonding with my baby I felt depleted and struggled to recover for months after bringing my baby home.

Supporting mothers and birthing people to have a calm, supported and blissful postpartum has become an unshakeable calling since this experience. I feel compelled to help families honour and invest in this most sacred of life moments by creating a postpartum plan, building their community and enquiring deeply to understand and communicate their true needs.

I believe it is everyone's birthright to be held, nourished and supported during these first few weeks, to be given the opportunity to drown out the loudness and business of our modern world. By truly slowing down, I believe we allow ourselves the opportunity to tune into our own and our babies needs, optimise healing and nourishment, honour the immensity of our body’s achievements and create space for our new family constellation to emerge. 

For me, postpartum care is a necessity, not a luxury.

I believe that having a supported, restful and nourishing postpartum lays the foundations for a thriving life and family for years to come.

I strive for my offerings to be inclusive, trauma-informed and rooted in reproductive justice, supporting all expressions of family and parenthood.


The Art of Slow Postpartum training - Jojo Hogan, founder of the Slow Postpartum Movement - Early 2024

The Postpartum Pelvis - 2024 - Dr Rebecca Cohen with The Free Birth Society

Cornerstone Postpartum Doula training - 2024 - present